Bike Parking Bill, AB 3153

Bike Parking Bill, AB 3153

Tell your assembly member to vote YES on AB 3153. The bill will encourage developers to include more bike parking in new buildings. It will also make housing construction more affordable because the bill also reduces car parking minimums.

Tell your assembly member to vote YES on AB 3153. The bill will encourage developers to include more bike parking in new buildings. It will also make housing construction more affordable because the bill also reduces car parking minimums.

Tell Your Assembly Member to Support the Bike Parking Bill, AB 3153

Ask your Assembly Member to support AB 3153, a powerful new incentive to include bike parking and car sharing spaces in new housing.



  • State your name and where you live!
  • Please support AB 3153, for more bike parking in new buildings. 
  • The bill will give developers an incentive to put in bike parking and car sharing spaces by allowing them to replace required private car parking spaces with bike parking spaces or car-sharing spaces. 
  • The lack of secure bike parking in apartments prevents a lot of people from biking even if they feel safe on the streets. 
  • Lack of bike parking especially impacts ...
  • State your name and where you live!
  • Please support AB 3153, for more bike parking in new buildings. 
  • The bill will give developers an incentive to put in bike parking and car sharing spaces by allowing them to replace required private car parking spaces with bike parking spaces or car-sharing spaces. 
  • The lack of secure bike parking in apartments prevents a lot of people from biking even if they feel safe on the streets. 
  • Lack of bike parking especially impacts low-income residents, one third of whom do not own a car.
  • Please tell the assembly member to vote yes on AB 3153. Thank you.

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